Krisha review — Bold and emotionally breathtaking

Krisha is an incredible debut film by Trey Edwards Schultz with an emotional powerhouse performance by Krisha Fairchild As I'm sitting here trying to write this review for Krisha, I'm finding that I don't even know where to start. The experience of the film is, for lack of a better term, emotionally devastating. Simply put, it's one of the…

Lion review — A remarkable true story beautifully told

Lion is one of the few inspirational true stories that translates beautifully on screen thanks to director Garth Davis and a strong performance by Dev Patel A Long Way Home, the book that the movie Lion is based on, is essentially devoid of emotion. That's not to fault the book's author and subject Saroo Brierley. He simply wasn't equipped with…

Demolition Movie Review — Jake Gyllenhaal shines in a dull movie

Demolition is an uneven, at best, arthouse film on grief that is all but saved by a strong Jake Gyllenhaal performance. I think it's safe to call this the "emotionally disturbed" era of Jake Gyllenhaal's career. Following career best performances in Enemy, Nightcrawler, and Prisoners, Gyllenhaal returns with yet another fantastic performance in Jean-Marc Vallee's Demolition. This time, he plays…