That's Not Us is a summery relationship drama that feels relatable, which makes the fact that it's improvised more impressive Relationships live and die in those unspoken moments — when you’re not saying what you mean or you avoid speaking your feelings altogether. That’s what That’s Not Us concerns itself with. It’s an intelligent relationship drama…
In honor of Pride Month, we're taking a look at one of the best LGBT movies of the decade, Andrew Haigh's Weekend. It's hard to think of queer cinema of this decade without mentioning the film Weekend. Until Moonlight captured the collective consciousness of cinephiles and mainstream audiences alike, the defining film in the LGBT film canon could be traced…
Dir. by Robert Stromberg It's hard to review Disney's Maleficent without mentioning that the screening I went to ended with a hearty applause. The reason I feel it's necessary to point this out is because despite its clear flaws, this film is an absolute crowd pleaser. The audience bought into the world…
Much Ado About Nothing finds Joss Whedon at his sharpest and most creative I have something to admit. The 1993 film Much Ado About Nothing is one of the movies that made me fall in love with cinema. Partially because it was the first film adaptation of a Shakespeare play that I watched, and partially because…
The most recent installment in the Disney renaissance, Zootopia, is also easily their most timely and political. Basically the movie could be described as "let's talk about racism with animals," but like the best animated movies it mixes social subtext with genuinely hilarious moments and interesting characters. Zootopia starts on an elementary school play starring rabbit…
Anchored by its leads, The Nice Guys is a hilarious take on the buddy cop movie that is sharp and smart If 2016 has been lacking in anything, it’s comedy. There have been few hits, critically and commercially, and seemed that more comedies bombed than anything. However, there has been one gem from this year that should…
Hidden Figures delicately balances a racial drama with a biopic while also telling the story of the space race. The result is one of the most delightful movies of the year. It takes the right kind of movie to get a Thursday night crowd actually cheering in the theater. Well, Hidden Figures is that kind…
Hunt for the Wilderpeople marches to the beat of its own drum and offers up laughs, tears, and cheers. Sam Neill offers one of his best performances in memory while the world is introduced to a great new talent, Julian Dennison. There is no other movie like Hunt for the Wilderpeople. That's because it balances so many…
Part screwball comedy, part violent crime movie, I Don't Feel At Home In This World Anymore is an often hilarious strong debut by Macon Blair I Don't Feel At Home In This World Anymore can pretty much be summed up in its whimsical title. It leans on the worst of our society – an ozone killing car, another…
Funny, thrilling, and musical, Baby Driver is an action movie like no other with a protagonist that will make you sing. Any successful action scene and movie has to have a rhythm. Pace is everything. Well, Edgar Wright — best known for Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead — takes that requirement and sets it to…