Jojo Rabbit follows a misguided Nazi youth whose imaginary friend is a buffoonish version of Hitler. It's a comedy. One-sentence review: Jojo Rabbit lacks a real hop in its step to be truly great, but director Taika Waititi's comedic sensibilities are enough to make it an enjoyable crowdpleaser.Details: ? Taika Waititi // ⏳ 108 minutes…
Thor: Ragnarok is a quirky and hilarious departure from the usual Marvel fare that feels fresh and possibly one of the best movies the studio has put out The Thor sect of the sprawling Marvel Cinematic Universe needed a life saver change after two middling movies that are among the least critically successful movies that the…
Hunt for the Wilderpeople marches to the beat of its own drum and offers up laughs, tears, and cheers. Sam Neill offers one of his best performances in memory while the world is introduced to a great new talent, Julian Dennison. There is no other movie like Hunt for the Wilderpeople. That's because it balances so many…