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Best Books We Read In 2016

Because my commute involves two hours on three trains every morning, I was able to read 41 books this year. While I am very proud of this fact, I'm also sad about it. But these ten (well, eleven) books were well worth it. Here are my favorite books I read in 2016! 10. Looking for Alaska (tie)…

Top 5 Most Anticipated Films Based on Books

This week on What's Next Wednesday we're taking a look at 5 films coming out this year that are based on books. I've excluded the obvious choices of The Fault in Our Stars and If I Stay since they appear on our Top 10 Most Anticipated Summer Movies of 2014. 5. Wild (Directed by Jean-Marc Valiée | Starring Reese Witherspoon |…

Bookishsmaug’s 5 All-Time Favorite Reads

We teamed up with Instagram superstar @bookishsmaug to bring you some of her favorite books! We'll let Cath (aka bookishsmaug) take it from here:   "There are just some books in the world where you can never let go off as it stays etched deep in your heart. Doesn't matter what genre, really, cause you…

Book Review: “The Book of Life”

Deborah Harkness’ All Souls trilogy began with A Discovery of Witches in 2011 (which is wickedly funny since the title-drop in that novel is, “It began with a discovery of witches”). The magical trilogy follows the romance between Diana Bishop and 1500-year-old vampire Matthew Clairmont, but hold your horses—Diana is not a love-struck teenager, but…