‘Rocketman’ mini-review — The bitch is back

Rocketman follows the meteoric launch and the explosive fall of one of music's most iconic artists, Elton John. 90-second review: Let's get the Bohemian Rhapsody comparison out of the way early. Rocketman is the better film. Not only is it competently made, it's not just a paint-by-the-numbers biopic that plugs in the right plot points…

‘Searching’ review — A thriller for the digital age

John Cho shines in Searching, an engaging and suspenseful thriller that takes place completely on a computer screen Searching begins with a very familiar landscape with rolling hills, a blue sky speckled with clouds, and mountains in the distance. This vista is the desktop of a computer. That's where the entire running time of Searching, like the film Unfriended before it, takes place.…