‘Piercing’ review — A twisted homage to 70s horror

Piercing is a twisted watch that will completely satisfy genre fans and polarize mainstream audiences — but that's why it works (mostly). Piercing — based on Japanese novelist Ryū Murakami's book of the same name — feels so familiar. It has story elements of American Psycho and tinge of Phantom Thread while boasting stylistic flourishes reminiscent of 70s horror movies like Carrie and Suspiria—…

‘John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum’ movie review

John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum finds John in his most precarious situation yet — and that's bad news for anyone that gets in his way. 30-second review: The reason the unlikely John Wick franchise works is because it understands its audience and, more importantly, trusts them. John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum mercifully leaves…

‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’ movie review

Spider-Man: Far From Home finds Peter Parker at a crossroads following the fallout of Avengers: Endgame 30-second review: Spider-Man: Far From Home has the same quirkiness that made Homecoming so successful, but a predictable plot and poor pacing keep it from reaching its predecessor's heights. However, it also gives us the best interpretation of the "with great power…

‘Dark Phoenix’ movie review — The X-Men civil war

Dark Phoenix finds the X-Men fighting each other as they try to save Jean Grey — and the world — from herself 30-second review: There’s something off about nearly every element of Dark Phoenix. The dialogue is overly-written to the point that you can predict a line before it’s said, the performances are unmotivated, the story…