Netflix Flick of the Week: “Pain and Gain”

out of 10 Pain and Gain is an action/comedy film directed by Michael Bay. Now before you close this page and immediately say this movie is crap, let me explain, because this film is actually pretty good. Starring Mark “Marky Mark” Wahlberg, Dwayne Johnson and Anthony Mackie, the film, based on…

Confessions of A Crazed Fan (Part 2): The Fault in Our Stars Review

Smash Cut Review already published a wonderful review of The Fault In Our Stars which pretty much says everything about why the film not only didn’t disappoint, but also exceeded expectations. But as someone who attended The Night Before Our Stars event, I feel I have a unique perspective on the film which I hope…

Netflix Flick of the Week: “Stuck in Love”

Dir. by Josh Boone Written and directed by Josh Boone (the director of the highly anticipated film adaptation of John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars. See our review here.), Stuck in Love (2012) was Boone’s debut, and a star-studded one at that. I’m kind of obsessed with family resemblances, and…

7 Great Stage to Screen Adaptations (Musicals)

In honor of The Sting being turned into a musical to be put up on the great white way, we decided to go the other way. Here are 7 great stage to screen adaptations. 7. Chicago (2002 | Directed by Rob Marshall | Starring Renee Zellweger, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Richard Gere, Queen Latifah, and John C. Reilly)…

Netflix Flick of the Week: ‘Odd Thomas’

MVP: Anton Yelchin Odd Thomas has one really good thing going for it, and that's Anton Yelchin. After that, there's not much there. Maybe I'm being a little harsh, but the film wasted such great source material (Dean Koontz's novel of the same name). The film tells the story of Odd…

Reaction Shot: ‘This is Where I Leave You’ Trailer It's finally here. The much anticipated (at least by me) film adaptation of Jonathan Tropper's best selling book "This is Where I Leave You" is here and it's underwhelming. Related Post: Top Five Most Anticipated Films Based on Books The book (check out our review here) tells the story of the Foxman family who must…