With a stellar performance by Natalie Portman, magnificent direction by Pablo Larraín, and groundbreaking screenplay, Jackie uncovers the woman behind the most iconic First Lady in history Many movies try to give you an inside look at a famous figure. They try to show you the real person behind the mystery of their façade. However, very few…
Life is an interesting and sleek take on the horror movie in space premise, but it's too weak on character to bring anything new to the genre. Between Gravity, The Martian, and now Daniel Espinosa's Life, there has been enough movie reaffirming my decision not to go into space... ever. Although, Life has more in common…
The live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast doesn't do much to add to the 1992 classic, but it has enough magic and charm to make you fall in love all over again. The latest entry in Disney's saga to do a live-action remake of every one of their classic movies is Beauty and the Beast. The 1992 version…
25 years later, My Cousin Vinny remains one of the funniest and sharpest comedies from the 90s with one of the best comedic ensembles of all-time. Twenty-five years later, My Cousin Vinny remains one of the funniest and sharpest comedies from the 90s with one of the best comedic ensembles of all-time. However, it's the engrossing story and Oscar-winning performance from…
Hunt for the Wilderpeople marches to the beat of its own drum and offers up laughs, tears, and cheers. Sam Neill offers one of his best performances in memory while the world is introduced to a great new talent, Julian Dennison. There is no other movie like Hunt for the Wilderpeople. That's because it balances so many…
Kong: Skull Island doesn't live up to 2014's Godzilla or the 2005 version King Kong, but the central action set piece is reason enough to see it. You know your movie has a problem when the most emotional image in your movie is of John C. Reilly holding a hot dog and beer watching the Cubs. However, the problems in…
Coherence is a twisting, thrilling, low budget sci-fi that shows that sometimes less is more when it comes to the genre. As CGI and technology get more advanced, the stories and twists and turns of sci-fi movies get more epic in scope and complicated in plot. However, once in a while a movie comes along that…
Get Out is easily one of the most original horror movies — or just movie for that matter — in years by one of the most exciting filmmakers of our generation. Take the setup Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, the world of Stepford Wives, and the exploration of the black experience in I Am Not Your Negro and you have…
Told with utter efficiency and blessed with incredible fight sequences, this darkly funny action flick will have you saying the name John Wick for years to come. ★★★★ John McClane, Jason Bourne, and now, John Wick. Once and a while an action movie comes along and breathes new life into the genre. John Wick couldn't come at a…
Gareth Edwards' 2014 Godzilla is a darker, visually stunning version of the classic movie monster despite its issues With Kong: Skull Island out today, we thought it was the perfect opportunity to go back and review the first movie in the Legendary MonsterVerse, Gareth Edwards' Godzilla. Now, hopes weren't exactly high following the trainwreck that was the 1998 film. However, with Edwards in…