AHS: Freak Show Review – “Tupperware Party Massacre” (4×09)

  Perhaps I’ve just been worn down. Perhaps we’ve passed through the quality looking glass and everything has gone topsy-turvy. Who knows. But “Tupperware Party Massacre” is a dementedly fun, twisted episode of Freak Show. It’s a sign of vitality at a relatively late stage of the season, and thank goodness for it. The episode…

5 Things We Learned About the Oscar Race

  With the critics awards ramping up, the Oscar race is beginning to take shape. This year has been an oddity with the lack of a consensus regarding many categories. However, Boyhood is the undisputed frontrunner for Best Picture With wins in New York, Boston, Los Angeles, and Britain under its belt, Boyhood is now the clear frontrunner for…

2015 Grammy Nominations: Snubs and Surprises

The only thing I can say is yikes. The Grammys are notorious for having questionable nominees and a propensity to stick to what they know, but this year was probably one of the worst in recent memories for the general field. While there were a few gems dispersed throughout the genres, there was an overall…

Sons of Anarchy Review: “Red Rose” (7×12)

Perhaps unavoidably, “Red Rose” is a step down from the preceding episode. Not only is there still one more episode through which to stretch the series’ denouement, but it’s also just plain impossible to maintain the emotional highs that we’ve just reached for what would amount to nearly three hours of television. Season arcs come…

Parenthood Review: “Lean In” (7×09)

Parenthood really could have gone out for the year on a better note. “Lean In” is a middling episode at best, with stories that are repetitive, grating, and frustrating. As much as I love Sarah and Hank, it’s a rough week indeed when their portion of the show is the sole highlight of the episode.…

“House of Cards” announces Season 3 Premiere Date

"There is but one rule. Hunt or be hunted. Welcome back." Welcome back indeed. House of Cards revealed the release date of season 3 with a special message from the White House. The entirety of the season will be released on February 27th of next year. https://twitter.com/HouseofCards/status/539450008634802176